How to Waste Money

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Since I’m sure all of you have money to burn and are looking for ways to waste money, I thought I’d help you out.

I’ll limit this to “How to Waste Marketing Money” since that’s what I’m an expert on. You’ll have to go to other sources to find out how to waste money buying clothes, jewelry or shopping for computers.

Today, let’s talk about how to waste money on a Click Ad campaign.

Click Ads – the sponsored links you see on Google and other search engines – are a fantastic marketing tool, mainly because you only pay for your ad when someone actually clicks on it and goes to your website.

Imagine that! You only pay for an ad when it is effective!

Despite that, there are multiple ways you can waste all or much of your click ad budget. Here are my favorites:

  1. The winner is: running your own click ad campaign but not spending enough time learning the ropes to do so well. There are a lot of wrinkles to running one and if you don’t learn what’s what, chances are you are going to waste anywhere from 25% of your budget on up.
  2. Poor choice of or no geographical targeting. If you are a dentist in Largo, why would you want to pay for clicks in Alaska?
  3. Poor choice of keywords. This can lead to many useless clicks from people not really looking for what you have to offer.
  4. Poor ad wording. This can kill you two ways. One, by encouraging useless clicks, and secondly, by getting a low CTR (click-through-rate) so you have to spend more per click to hit your budget target.
  5. Bidding too much for a keyword. Ideally, you bid the LEAST amount that will hit your daily budget. Otherwise you are paying extra per click only to have your ads shut off before end of day.
  6. Another personal favorite…. poor landing page or website visitor experience. Once someone arrives on your website, if they aren’t well handled, you’ve just wasted everything you’ve done to get them to your site. That’s true no matter how they got there, but what a waste if you just paid $1.98 to get them there!

You’re welcome.

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