Click Ad Campaigns, Effective

Click Ad Campaigns, Effective

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Running an effective click ad campaign is quite a skill. There’s a lot to know, because there are so many possibilities.
There are a few top level considerations though.
The first is, what’s your daily budget? Everything else is driven by how much you’re going to spend per day. In the ideal campaign, on the average day, you meet your daily spend limit just as the clock strikes midnight. If you hit your limit before that, you’ve spent more per click than you needed to, or, you are shooting too broadly (spending on lower quality clicks than you need to).
Given the budget, the next question is the balance between cost per click and quality of click. Generally speaking, you can increase the quality of your clicks (how likely they are to turn into an action on the part of a website visitor) by a thoughtful increase in your average cost per click.
The best way to increase the effectiveness of a click ad campaign is by improving the quality of your ads. Here at thirteen05 creative we are always trying ad variations to see if we can improve ads. That way you can increase the quality of your clicks AND reduce your cost per click at the same time.
That’s usually measured by the CTR (click-through-rate, the percentage of those seeing a page with your ad on it, who click through to your website). However, sometimes increasing the CTR just means that you are getting lower quality clicks. That is one of the more difficult to estimate factors.
More on this subject tomorrow!

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