Organic Marketing

Organic Marketing

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The title is a bit of a gag. This post doesn’t have anything to do with pesticides or sustainability. Or the presence of carbon atoms in the molecule (Marketing molecules? Hunh? Look it up) .
What I’m talking about is this: The best marketing is organic to the organization’s philosophy and its operations.
In other words, you don’t come up with a look, tagline, logo, copy only by reference to survey or what you think is going to appeal to the market. You have to start with who the company is, what they do, how people feel about their products or services, what the owner or founder or management is trying to accomplish, and what is called “company culture.”
Yes, as with any art, you have to consider the reality of and what will appeal to the consuming public. Otherwise you die a starving, unknown artist. But all great art comes as much from the heart and soul of the creator as from the world around it.
Marketing that isn’t organic to the entire company is always going to be at least a bit phony and impersonal and thereby less effective.

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