People Are Searching Less

People Are Searching Less

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Search is down 16% from a year ago.
Now isn’t THAT interesting?
There’s lots of speculation on why that is. My own guess, it’s a combination of factors:
1. People have less time for aimless wandering around the Net.
2. People have found sites that work for a lot of things, and have them bookmarked.
3. Google has gotten smarter so people are taking fewer searches to find what they are looking for.
4. People have gotten smarter in their searches so take fewer searches to find what they are looking for.
5. Alternatives to search are rising (such as mobile apps).
I’ve put them in order of what I think are the biggest to smallest factor.
In any case, pat yourself on the back, if your website is getting found as much or more through searches as it was a year ago.

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