Blogging – 200th Post

Rich Byrd

Blogging – 200th Post

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Do you blog? This is my 200th blog post.

Every day when I sit down at my computer in the morning, one of the first things I do is write blog posts. The Internet is constantly changing, fueled by technology advances and the hope of getting rich. Some things work. Some don’t.

Remember Internet grocery stores? How about “telnet” and “finger” (if you’ve been around the Internet that long… like 15 years). Keep in mind when you read this that this blog post was published in 2009!

Websites, search engines, email, those have places no more likely to disappear than TV and radio. Like TV and radio, no doubt they’ll change. But they fill a need.

Blogs are in that category.

Twitter may or may not be around or a big deal a year or two from now. I think it safe to say that blogging will be.


Blogs are the 21st century version of the letter presses and broadsheets of the 1700’s. That was the means many people could afford to do their own publishing. Hundreds of them operating in the Colonies helped supply the real fuel of the American Revolution – ideas.

Today, anyone who wants to communicate broadly can afford to blog. All you need is some time and something to say.

Sure, most blogs don’t get much readership. But what do you have to lose? At least it’ll be fun.

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