Keeping Up With The Technologies: NFC

Rich Byrd

Keeping Up With The Technologies: NFC

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The pace is astounding. New technology is advancing, new applications are being developed, and features added at a mad rate.
How is one to keep up?
I spend easily an hour a day just trying to keep up with things that directly impact my business.
Some of these things are sure winners you probably never heard of even though they are just around the corner.
Probably 2 years from now you’ll be using NFC like you were born with it.
That’s Near Field Communication, a technology that cell phone manufacturers are starting to include in their handsets. It enables devices to detect other devices nearby (within feet, or inches).
It could enable credit card payment by waving your cell phone near an in-store NFC device. Or personalized advertising that is served up as you pass by (a la Minority Report).
That’s just ONE example.
Stay tuned folks.
The Future is Now.

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