Keywords in Domain Names

Rich Byrd

Keywords in Domain Names

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Anyone who has worked at all in SEO knows that it is helpful having your most important keyword or words in your domain name (website address).
That is because the search engines give some credit for that in ranking a website. Logical, since you may be looking for that specific website.
Plus it certainly makes it clear what the website is about. It is pretty hard to argue that a website called “” is about California Tomatoes.
Now Google has stated – for the second time – that they are considering reducing the amount of value they place on that.
If you are heavily depending on your domain name to drive your rankings and therefore traffic to your website – be warned.

How Important is it to have Keywords in a Domain Name?

Incidentally the video gives a very simple and useful explanation of domain names in branding. Not bad coming from an engineer – Matt Cutts – not a marketing guy.

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