New! Improved! Since 1906

New! Improved! Since 1906

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Two of the most widely used (and effective) marketing techniques are largely opposed to each other.
One is the “new”, innovative, something different thread.
The other is the, been around for a long time, we are stable, famous name, big building, you can trust us idea.
They can come together to a degree. Usually that is a company or a brand that has been around for a long time and is trusted, combined with a new, innovative product.
But you don’t expect the latest, hottest fashions to come out of a company that is branded as “clothiers to the House of Windsor since 1648.”
Clearly this is a case of one size does not fit all.
It is going to depend on your product or service, is it in fact innovative, a new category of item?
It is also going very much to depend on the nature of your industry. Is it one that runs on new and different (like fashion) or one that is heavily weighted towards the staid, like banking?
Is it perhaps an industry that has been running on tradition forever, but now has an increasingly large percentage of unhappy customers, ready for something different?
You decide.

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