Sales vs. Marketing

Rich Byrd

Sales vs. Marketing

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My recent post on “The First Question” reminds me that there is a natural tension between Sales and Marketing. This often breaks out into downright antagonism.
Sales complains that Marketing is generating lousy quality leads. Marketing complains that Sales are wasting their leads.
The truth is that Marketing has the job of generating ENOUGH quality leads for Sales. Of course ideally ALL leads it generates are instant closes, but let’s get real.
There is always going to be a percentage of low quality leads amongst the total leads produced. Of course Sales is stuck sorting out the good from the bad.
It is true, the percentage of poor quality leads can make marketing a liability. Either by the amount of time Sales has to spend sorting them out, or because of money wasted generating lousy leads.
What you don’t want is to throw out the baby with the bath water. Would you throw out half your quality leads in order to get rid of the great majority of poor quality leads? Would you throw out 20%?
Think about it.

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