
Rich Byrd

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“Synergy” means two or more things working together to cause a bigger or better effect. It’s “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” and it is very true in marketing.
So a direct mail campaign, ads in trade magazines, a website with good Search Engine Optimization, email broadcasts to prospects and clients, and a good trade show display, can add up to effective business-to-business marketing in a particular niche.
Door hangers, billboards and small ads in local papers, plus a good website, can add up to effective consumer marketing.
It’s a major reason that we constantly preach consistency across all marketing materials, items and actions. Only if the prospect can recognize the different elements as coming from the same source do you get the synergistic effect.
Otherwise they are likely to tell you “oh yes, I saw one of your competitor’s ads the other day” – when they are actually talking about your ad.
Enough said?

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