
Rich Byrd

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A year ago, Twitter was all the buzz. At that time it was really only useful as a marketing tool for celebrities.
Things have changed.
It has now reached a point where it is a useful tool for SOME (a small percentage of businesses).
What makes it useful is it is a low-friction method of spreading ideas. Short, so fast reading. A couple of clicks to forward it to your followers.
But it only works in situations and with ideas interesting enough to spread virally.
Market penetration is still only about 9% of US Internet users, so you see the limitations.
Nevertheless, it is worth exploring.
When you do, you need to know how to go about it. Twitter has been around long enough now so there’s a good understanding of what to do and what not.
An excellent write-up (click on the links especially the one on a perfect tweet, for more specifics):

40 Tried and Tested Twitter Tips

Happy tweeting.

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