Why You Should Market Despite (or Because of) the Economy

Why You Should Market Despite (or Because of) the Economy

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If you watch or read the news you know that:

We are all going to die.
It is the end of the world as we know it.
We are already deep in a recession.
We are about to enter another Great Depression.
It is hopeless if (McCain)(Obama) is elected (you pick ’em).

Well, since it is All Black, you might as well enjoy a last fling and try doing some real marketing.

Actually, on survey of our clients, NOT ONE of them is noticing any serious adverse effects from the current economic scene.

We have heard comments that because the unemployment rate is up, it is easier to find, hire and retain qualified competent employees at a reasaonable wage. Some have noticed a bit of a slowdown.
So what do you do when faced with a slowdown?


SO, if you looking for some unsolicited, gratuitous advice:

1. Review all your marketing efforts to weed out what is effective from what isn’t.
2. Shift budget away from what isn’t working or fix it.
3. Take the money you are saving on personnel and increase your overall marketing budget.
4. Or rob the piggy bank or max out your credit cards to increase your marketing effort.

You know, of course, that some people became wealthy during the great depression? So even if that is what is going on here (and it almost certainly isn’t), there’s no reason to despair. Unless, that is, you’d rather be able to tell your grandchildren some day how your life was ruined by the (Republican)(Democrat) politicians (you pick) and that’s why they don’t get no Christmas present this year.

You’re welcome.

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