Web development has evolved over the past few years with new versions of HTML and CSS. Web designers have adapted to these newer technologies and mobile devices. Websites used to have two versions, one for the desktop computers and one for mobile devices. Now that there aren’t just a few different sizes of screen, there is also everything in between, websites have become responsive.
Is it time to start adapting to responsive?
Contrary to some beliefs making your site responsive isn’t just a click of a button. These types of changes don’t just happen to a website; the web designer has to decide what the best user experience is for the website on specific devices. A smart designer will think of the mobile design first and then adapt to larger devices. This is because now more and more people are using their mobile devices to search for things instead of a desktop. In fact, comScore has release a poll stating that the amount of mobile users has surpassed desktop users, a trend that looks to only continue in the future.
This recent poll doesn’t surprise us here, we have been prepping for this from the start. Phones are getting larger and larger and our fingers are staying the same length, the result: not being able to reach the top of your phone as easy. A possible solution: Move the menu to the bottom. We have mobile buttons for the menu as well as call buttons which make for a simple dummy proof system to get to where you want to go faster and easier. Some phones already have this built into their OS to access the camera and call menu easily.
It’s time we started thinking, not only mobile friendly but mobile first!