Bounce Rates

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The first test a website has to pass is getting visitors to stick.
This is reflected in a statistic called “bounce rate” which usually means just the percentage of visitors who leave the site without clicking through to a second page.
It reflects both the quality of the site and the quality of the visitors.
It’s a judgement factor what an acceptable bounce rate is for a particular entry page.
This article asks what is certainly a rhetorical question:

Should Your Paid Search Account Care About Bounce Rates?

Because of course, any time you pay for a click, and that person bounces, you wasted your money.
Of course there is such a thing as reality and you are never going to get 100% of visitors to stick – let alone convert and purchase or become leads.
It is an intelligent article but some of these numbers, we consider eyebrow raisers:

20% or less is amazing

20-30% is fantastic

40-60% is fairly common

60-70% is common for keywords that are a bit ambiguous (TV Sets, Laptop)

70% or higher – something needs to be fixed

In most situations we consider in most situations, anything over 40% is a red flag and serious evidence of work needed.
No matter what your bounce rate, it can be improved. But it’s true, it isn’t always the most important thing to be working on. If your bounce rate is under 40%, almost always you should be more concerned about increasing time-on-site, conversions, or just flat out increasing the amount of traffic to the site.

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