Branding versus Direct Response

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Most advertising is classified by Ad Agencies as for branding purposes, or to create a response.
More and more though, ads are expected to do both.
Time-Life infomercials get people to call up and order their music CD collections. They also get people to know the brand Time-Life as a source for really good themed music collections.
A lot of advertising is what is called “TOMA” = Top of Mind Awareness. But not exclusively so. In short, some people will have an immediate need for what you are selling. Most people will not, but through repetition will come to remember you so that when they DO have a need, they call you or go into your store or buy your product.
Notice the difference. Some things (CD music collections) are not need based. No one NEEDS one of these. Whereas some people NEED their teeth fixed. Or a new car.
You do get some pure Direct Response advertising, where there is no effort whatsoever (nor any reason) to create a brand awareness. That is rare.
And you get some pure Branding advertising, but that is mostly baloney. If you aren’t trying to sell something, why are you advertising?

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