More New Business

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We just surpassed our total of new clients for all of last year!
Kudos to the staff for their assistance but I did want to point out how we accomplished this.


Ten months ago we developed a marketing strategy for us. We isolated what services we wanted to concentrate on, and how to use the Internet as the primary means of marketing to increase our own Business Development activity.
Well, I guess we really do know how to market, because it sure has worked in spades.
There are some larger lessons here which many businesses could apply:

Don’t try to be all things to all men.
Decide where your strengths are.
Develop a method of reaching out to potential customers which you can afford to execute in the volume it takes, that you feel has a realistic chance of success.
Give it your best shot, but be prepared to make adjustments or even abandon it if it isn’t working.

That’s a pretty general formula for success in Business Development. It does require some patience. If you have to succeed big RIGHT NOW – you have a problem.

There are some larger lessons here which many businesses could apply:

Don’t try to be all things to all men.
Decide where your strengths are.
Develop a method of reaching out to potential customers which you can afford to execute in the volume it takes, that you feel has a realistic chance of success.
Give it your best shot, but be prepared to make adjustments or even abandon it if it isn’t working.

That’s a pretty general formula for success in Business Development. It does require some patience. If you have to succeed big RIGHT NOW – you have a problem.

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