Website Hosting – Up-Times for July

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We’ve continued to work to improve the quality of our hosting services provided to our clients. We’re almost complete moving all websites off of shared hosting plans with our old provider, which we have not been happy with. That will be completed in the next two weeks.
We now have a full dedicated server for our online stores and super-premium hosting. That is a Tampa Bay based company that specializes in the Miva Merchant shopping carts, and in an extremely high level of customer service and technical support. Our other servers are located in a data center in Phoenix.
Our premium hosting services include an independent monitoring service that checks them every five minutes and notifies us by email and text messages of any outages. So we are usually aware of outages before anyone else (including our hosting providers). Even if they occur in the middle of the night.
Our average up-time for our premium hosting website clients, for July was 99.98%, or an average of only 9 minutes outage for the entire month.
No website experienced more than 50 minutes downtime total. No super-premium or online store premium hosting service experienced more than 5 minutes outage for the entire month.

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