Thirteen05 creative, formerly Fast Forward Marketing, Converts World Politics Review to RWD

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FastF is proud to announce the full launch of World Politics Review retooled website, now with responsive web design. World Politics Review is a news aggregation website offering wide-ranging analysis of current events, key trend s and events in international affairs. A favorite among foreign policy professionals, WPR allows for professionals and common news-readers alike to take in breaking news with an intelligent and non-partisan analysis from a network of leading journalists, scholars and analysts.


thirteen05 creative converted the already successful website into RWD, or responsive web design. This allows the user one streamlined website interface without the subtraction of any content, making the entire website available no matter what device is being used. To experience this on a desktop, simply load the website and make the browser smaller and smaller to watch the website design adapt. The switch to RWD for WPR was an easy choice to make as they want to make all of their vastly important content readily available to subscribers on all platforms all over the world.
You can check out World Politics Review at . Try it from your laptop, tablet and phone to see the difference.

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