3 Tips to Increase your Online Sales this Holiday Season

3 Tips to Increase your Online Sales this Holiday Season

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With the holidays among us, shopping season is in full swing. More and more customers are shopping online and it is important that customers can find your website easily. Your SEO ranking on Google can be the difference between selling a handful of products and having millions of online sales. 67.6% of people will click one of the first 5 search engine results. Not being in the top 5 or on the first page of a search engine results page can be detrimental for your company’s online sales – even if you do have a better product and price.

To provide an exceptional online shopping experience it is important to think like your customer and understand exactly what their online shopping experience consists of. Below are 3 steps to improve your e-commerce website and increase online sales.

Use Keywords That Your Customers Use

Thinking like a customer starts with understanding what they type into Google and other search engines, when looking for products or services that you offer. Customers often make spelling mistakes and type in vague terms when searching for a product or service. Researching and using the same keywords that your potential customers use to find your products is essential when it comes to making it easy for customers to find you online.

Website – Provide the Ultimate Shopping Experience

Once you are ranking high and people are finding your website it is important to keep them there. Having a website that is easy to navigate, looks trustworthy and has fast loading times will help keep customers browsing your products and services. Reviews from past purchasers will show that your online store is genuine and trustworthy.

Conversion Optimization

75% of online shopping carts are abandoned. That means customers liked your product enough to want to buy it but were deterred. To close online sales make sure your checkout procedure is quick and simple. Don’t force customers to register or provide unnecessary information. Keep the shipping costs that the customer has to pay to a minimum, high shipping costs are often the reason for an abandoned cart. Most importantly customers should feel like they can trust your company, you can achieve this by offering great customer service and a money back guarantee return policy.

For more tips on setting up or improving your e-commerce website and increasing your online sales, contact our very experienced team of online shoppers at Thirteen05 Creative, so you can have more time for the holidays and shopping of course.

Infogrphic with tips to avoid shopping cart abandonment Infographic to stop Shopping Cart Abandonment

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